
Letter & Spirit, Volume 1: Reading Salvation: Word, Worship, and the Mysteries is unavailable, but you can change that!

Letter and Spirit is a journal of Catholic biblical theology that seeks to foster a deeper conversation on Sacred Scripture. It aims to address the many questions surrounding the Bible and including • What is it? • Where does it come from? • How should you read it? • What claim should it make in your life, on the teaching and practice of the Church, or the world you live in? This...

from the book of Job such as “the waters wear away the stones” and applied it to temptations that come on gradually, “penetrating unobtrusively into the heart of man,” like rocks worn down slowly.12 Allegory’s playfulness and inventiveness grows out of the certainty of faith formed by a community of shared beliefs and practices. It keeps words from evaporating into nothing, from becoming simply things, not signs. It also introduces a welcome and necessary obliqueness into our reading of the Scriptures.
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